Python and MySQL-based Transport Management System

  IJRES-book-cover  International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES)          
© 2023 by IJRES Journal
Volume-10 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Nayan Sonkalyari, Advait Patil, Tiwar Zade, Kaushal Sharma, Amitkumar Manekar
DOI : 10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V10I3P107

How to Cite?

Nayan Sonkalyari, Advait Patil, Tiwar Zade, Kaushal Sharma, Amitkumar Manekar, "Python and MySQL-based Transport Management System," International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 44-49, 2023. Crossref,

Every transport industry, as we all know, has specific paperwork that the company can complete. Transportation entails that their branches have a lot of paperwork. The entire paperwork in the being trained system is completed manually by the personnel. Everything must be done manually, which is exceedingly time-consuming, delicate to handle, and unreliable due to the high likelihood of error. Due to handmade operations, it could also result in significant data loss. The Transport Management System (TMS) design is a comprehensive software result designed to optimize and streamline transportation operations for businesses. The system automates colorful tasks similar to managing orders, dispatching vehicles, managing workers and generating bills. The Transport Management System (TMS) design using Beaker is a web-based software result that enables effective operation of business transportation operations. This design utilizes Flask, a Python web frame, to develop a robust and scalable TMS.

Transport management, Operations, Flask, Web-based software, Automates.

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